There are those moms who get pregnant and don't care about what they put into their mouths while they're pregnant. Did they know that the baby gets the nutrients you do and they don't get the ones you don't. So lets see here, the baby has no control over what his mom is going to feed him through utero, except for those hard to dissolve supplements we take and maybe get 20% absorption from because we eat so bad, so what makes you think she'll care when the child comes out? For some of these moms they've already decided and not with much thought; on the actual first feeding once the baby is born. For some of these moms, they don't even give it a 2nd thought, they're going to artificial feed instead of breastfeed. How lucky a child is when it doesn't even have the choice of breast milk and breastfeeding. But then these are the moms that do no research for or against immunizations, they just do what the Dr. wants them to do. Did you know that the colostrum in your breast milk is the baby's 1st immunization and just one teaspoon of that can really make a difference in the way your baby fights off diseases for the rest of their life. So my point here is, why choose to artificial feed, when you say you want the best for your child. We're the only species in the world that give another species milk to our human babies. Lets just go find a cow and have it nurse off a human mother, that's how weird it is. I think God made our breasts for making milk for our little human babies. If you knew all the pros to breastfeeding and heard all the dangerous stuff on artificial feeding why would you knowingly just not breastfeed and make that choice so selfishly,
Great article! It's amazing how many people don't even consider breastfeeding their newborn babie's these days. I like your analogy with the cow feeding off of a human.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree. My wife and I decided to do the same with our two children. To's arrogant presumption to think that we (mankind) can make something to compete with something God provided already.